Our Mission

Welcome to the University of Southern California’s Klein Institute for Undergraduate Engineering Life, also known as KIUEL. We are a passionate and driven group of undergraduate engineering students dedicated to fostering a vibrant community within our university. Our goal is to provide a platform that promotes leadership development, professional growth, and social engagement for all engineering students.

Founded in 2005 through a generous donation by Ken Klein, USC Board of Trustees member, CEO and Co-Founder of Praisidio, Inc., USC Viterbi’s Klein Institute for Undergraduate Engineering Life (KIUEL) oversees the 60+ Viterbi student body, such as the annual Viterbi Gala, Engineers’ Week, involvement fairs, recruitment panels, venture capital investor visits, professional development workshops, and wellness events. KIUEL acts as the bridge between students and members of the engineering community.

As the undergraduate governing body for the Viterbi School of Engineering, we organize a wide range of events and activities tailored to meet the diverse interests and needs of our students. Through our initiatives, we aim to bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world applications, fostering an environment that nurtures innovation and creativity.

Whether you are a freshman just starting your engineering journey or a senior preparing to enter the professional world, KIUEL is here to support you every step of the way. Join us to connect with like-minded individuals, expand your horizons, and make lasting meteorites throughout your college experience.

We encourage you to explore our website, join our events, and become an active member of our community. Together, let’s push the boundaries of engineering excellence and make a positive impact on society.

Our Pillars


The leadership pillar is at the core of our organization, empowering students to become influential leaders. Through personalized development programs, mentorship opportunities, and hands-on experiences, we cultivate the essential skills needed to inspire, guide, and motivate others. We believe in fostering a culture of leadership that encourages innovative thinking, effective communication, and strategic decision-making. By nurturing the next generation of visionary leaders, we aim to shape engineers who can make a positive impact in their professional careers and communities.


The service pillar embodies our commitment to giving back to our community and making a positive impact. We organize and participate in various community service initiatives, collaborating with local organizations to address societal needs. By engaging in service projects, we cultivate a sense of empathy, social responsibility, and compassion within our members, fostering their growth as engineers who are dedicated to serving the greater good.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration

The interdisciplinary collaboration pillar emphasizes the importance of collaboration and teamwork across different fields of study. We encourage interaction and collaboration among engineering students from various disciplines, as well as with students from other disciplines outside of engineering. By facilitating interdisciplinary projects, workshops, and events, we foster an environment that promotes innovative thinking, creativity, and the ability to solve complex problems through diverse perspectives.


The community pillar focuses on building a strong sense of belonging and camaraderie within our engineering community. We organize social events, team-building activities, and networking opportunities that allow members to connect, form lasting friendships, and develop a support system. We foster a welcoming and inclusive environment that celebrates diversity and promotes a culture of unity, where every member feels valued, respected, and empowered.


The learning pillar encompasses our dedication to continuous learning and academic growth. We provide resources, workshops, and educational programs that enhance technical knowledge, critical thinking skills, and professional development. Through guest lectures, research presentations, and knowledge-sharing sessions, we foster a culture of intellectual curiosity, encouraging our members to expand their knowledge base and stay at the forefront of advancements in the engineering field. We aim to inspire a lifelong passion for learning and self-improvement.

KIUEL Executive Board: 2023-2024